Saturday, January 23, 2010


it's never too late, its only the 23rd day of the year.

1) lose (a lot of) weight
2) drink more water
3) maintain regular exercise (eg. minimum 30 min of cardio)
4) think positive (ya know, law of attractions)
5) eat green (thank you ahin, i hear you, i will do my best to not expand the zoo that's been trailing me, o-mi-to-hood)
6) buy less shoes (kuan-yin-ma, pls give me more will power)
7) blog more often
8) be happy :)

9) surfing/scuba diving (cancel because the Chinese prediction of 2010 says no water sports for this year, damn it!)

*i will add on when i think of any*

reset. reboot. restart. feb 1.

2010 better be a fucking good year!

add on:
10) curse less. (no more or lesser of fuck, CCB, LC, KNN, KK & etc) [Jan 26, 2010]


Unknown said...

i still think no.6 is actually quite hard for u to keep. it will bercanggah with ur no.8.

so mayb u shd change no.6 to 'buy a new shoe closet for my ever-expanding collection of pretty-pretty shoes'.

weeLee said...

dun put crazy ideas into my head pls

littleworm said...

im trying on #10
trying so damn hard

weeLee said...


i know, im trying so damn hard too.

kns said...

Got my alias in that etc or not? :)

weeLee said...

erm your alias is kinda amateur actually. my level is way much higer lol