Tuesday, October 27, 2009

casual poet cafe

最後一天當麗安大清早說再見 flea 一番賺錢去然後ahin又建築考察花花廣場去我和黃 ahwee 在什麽 vivo悶死了所以原本因懶惰怕曬而取消的隨意詩人一行計劃又死灰復燃所以我們就去了。


ahwee 也是一直處於興奮狀態不斷地說以後她家也要這般佈置然後她會邀請我們來坐坐然後播好聽的歌招待我們。我告訴麗安麗安說 fingers crossed ahwee 以後有錢買一部 coffee machine 我贊同極了說呵呵呵對啊對啊。



Unknown said...

i got say wanna invite u guys over and play nice music for u all meh? pls dun 'menperdramakan' my conversation.

Unknown said...

btw the 1st & 5th pic got nice pun lar

jookyie said...

so did you or did you not say that?
so you want to invite us for coffee or not?

奥艾露露 said...

where is the location of this cafe?

Unknown said...

i still believe i didnt say tat lor.

but of course i'd still want to invite u all over for coffee lar. will throw in some dessert as well to express my utmost sincerity...

weeLee said...

wee: 明明就有。你amnesia hor?

aoilulu: chinatown, sg